b'The Tech Cumulus June 2021. continued from Coverpassword over and over, and that password is stolen in a data breach (unbeknownst to you), it becomes super easy for cybercriminals to access virtually any app or account tied to that password. No hacking needed! To avoid this, your employees must use strong3.4. Theyre Not Using SecureTheyre Not Aware Of Current Connections. This is especiallyThreats. How educated is your team passwords, change passwords every 60 to 90relevant for remote workers, but itsabout todays cyber security threats? days, and not reuse old passwords. It mightsomething every employee should be awareIf you dont know, or you know the answer isnt sound tedious, especially if they rely on multipleof. You can find WiFi virtually everywhere, anda good one, its time for a change. One of the passwords, but when it comes to the IT securityit makes connecting to the Internet very easy.biggest threats to your business is a workforce of your business, its worth it. One moreA little too easy. When you can connect to anthat doesnt know what a phishing e-mail thing: the tedious argument really doesntunverified network at the click of a button, itlooks like or doesnt know who to call when hold much water either, thanks to passwordshould raise eyebrows. something goes wrong on the IT side of things.managers like 1Password and LastPass that make it easy to create new passwords andAnd unless your employee is using company- If an employee opens an e-mail they shouldnt or manage them across all apps and accounts. issued hardware, you have no idea what theirclicks a bad link, it can compromise your entire endpoint security situation is. Its one riskbusiness. You could end up the victim of data after another, and its all unnecessary. Thebreach. Or a hacker might decide to hold your Education is abest policy is to prohibit employees fromdata hostage until you pay up. This happens connecting to unsecured networks (like publicevery day to businesses around the worldand powerful tool WiFi) with company property.hackers are relentless. They will use your own and, when usedInstead, they should stick to secure networksemployees against you, if given the chance. that then connect via VPN. This is on top of theYour best move is to get your team trained up right, it canendpoint security that should be installed onand educated about current threats facing your every device that connects to your companysbusiness. Working with a managed service protect yournetwork: malware protection, antivirus, anti- provider or partnering with an IT services firm spyware, anti-ransomware, firewalls, you nameis an excellent way to accomplish this and to business andit! You want to put up as many gates betweenavoid everything weve talked about in this your business interests and the outside digitalarticle. Education is a powerful tool and, when your employees. world as you can.used right, it can protect your business and your employees. I DIDNT KNOW Cartoon Of Unfortunately, That Excuse Doesnt Replenish Your Bank Account,Resolve A Data Breach Or Erase Any Fines And Lawsuits. The MonthIts coming . That day a hacker steals critical data, rendering your office useless . That day whenyour bank account or credit card is compromised . Or that day whenyour customers private lives are uprooted .Cybercriminals and hackers are constantly inventing NEW ways to infiltrate your company, steal your assets and disrupt your life. The ONLY way to STOP THEM is this:You Must Constantly Educate Yourself On How To Protect Whats Yours!Now, for a limited time, we have the perfect way to help reduce your risk and keep you safe! Simply sign up to receive our FREE Cyber Security Tip of the Week. Well send these byte-sized quick-read tips to your e-mail inbox. Every tip is packed with a unique and up-to-date real-world solution that keeps you one step ahead of the bad guys. And because so fewEvery time I use my name as my password people know about these security secrets, every week youll learn something new! I get hacked. Maybe I should change my Get your FREE Cyber Security Tip of the Week name. Or change my password.at www.Kloud9IT.com/weeklysecuritytipTechnology That Works!216-393-24842'