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This month’s newsletter is all about how we can help you make the most out of your computing resources to not only become more efficient but also more effective.
Phishers Siphon Off Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in Minutes
Americans Support EMRsAnother reason to keep your computer malware free: cyber-pirates raided several businesses as well as a school in recent attacks through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network.
Learn more…
E-mail marketing still works according to
CCR Clients Saving Money by Implementing Electronic Medical Records SoftwareEntrepreneur magazine columnist Gail Goodman offers an insightful look into email marketing and its relevance in today’s social network marketing-crazy world.
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Healthy Computing Tips
Americans Support EMRsCarpal tunnel syndrome and eyestrain are two of the most common conditions that affect habitual computer users. Whether or not these conditions pose serious health risks remains a subject of debate, but it’s safe to say that no one wants to suffer them.
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Fake Security Software Could be Compromising your Security
Americans Support EMRsA new report by PandaLabs, Panda Security’s malware analysis and detection laboratory, examines the proliferation of so-called “rogueware” – malicious software that attempts to convince people that their computers are infected with malware in order to trick them into buying their “security software”.
Learn more…
Getting the Most Out of Your Software
The Microsoft Office suite contains amazing tools to improve the way your company works. Take a little time each month to learn more and soon you’ll be looking more professional, getting more done and working better with your team.
This month’s highlights:
View your speaker notes privately while delivering a presentation using multiple monitors
Use Powerpoint’s Presenter View to view your presentation with speaker notes on one computer (your laptop, for example), while your audience views the notes-free presentation on a second monitor (such as projected on a larger screen).
Learn how…
Reduce the size of Outlook data files
Your Microsoft Office Outlook mailbox grows as you create and receive items. Even when you delete items, the size of your data file might not decrease in proportion to the amount of data that you deleted. There are several ways to manage your mailbox and reduce the size of the data file.
Learn how…
Visit our new web site to learn how to get the greatest return on your business computer investment, with the fewest worries.
Find articles and links to business technology-related items that can improve the ease, security and performance of your computers, and your computer users in our owner’s blog.
Protect your critical data with CDS’ exclusive IT Vigilance Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) program. IT Vigilance BDR offers frequent (up to 96 per day), tapeless backups, automatic off-site storage and lightning-fast data recoveries. Click here to learn more.
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That’s it for this month. Remember, if you need help in implementing
any of this month’s tips,
contact us —we’re here to help.
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