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This month’s newsletter is all about how we can help you make the most out of your computing resources to not only become more efficient but also more effective.
Windows 7: Everything that Vista Was Supposed To Be
EtiquetteHighly respected technology writer Walt Mossberg from the Wall Street Journal calls Windows 7, “A Windows to Help You Forget” – and with good cause.
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5 Things to Love about Windows 7
CCR Clients Saving Money by Implementing Electronic Medical Records SoftwareThe recent release of Windows 7 has seen much more good than bad – which cannot be said for its predecessor, Windows Vista. Even in the early stages of testing, many were impressed with the improvements Microsoft included in this relatively early upgrade to its OS, and many were hopeful that this time around, Windows would not be such a pain to use. And they were not disappointed.
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Ready to upgrade to Windows 7?
Americans Support EMRsIf you’re excited about upgrading to Windows 7, you’re not alone. Reactions are coming in from people who have tried the new operating system and so far, the reviews have been positive. From the new and improved UI, to enhanced features such as Live Taskbar previews, easier file sharing, wider hardware support and others, Microsoft has made the upgrade compelling for many Windows users, especially those who skipped Vista and held on to XP.
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Getting the Most Out of Your Software
The Microsoft Office suite contains amazing tools to improve the way your company works. Take a little time each month to learn more and soon you’ll be looking more professional, getting more done and working better with your team.
This month’s highlights:
Write on slides during a presentation
When you use Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 to deliver your presentation, you can circle, underline, draw arrows, or make other marks on the slides to emphasize a point or show connections.
Learn how…
Command-line switches for Excel
You can customize the way that Microsoft Office Excel 2007 starts by adding switches and parameters to the startup command. For example, you can prevent the startup screen from appearing when you start Office Excel 2007, or you can have Excel open a specific file when it starts.
Learn how…
Visit our new web site to learn how to get the greatest return on your business computer investment, with the fewest worries.
Find articles and links to business technology-related items that can improve the ease, security and performance of your computers, and your computer users in our owner’s blog.
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That’s it for this month. Remember, if you need help in implementing
any of this month’s tips,
contact us —we’re here to help.
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