Jo Pro small
by Joanna Sobran
Who was the first U.S. President to declare a national day of Thanksgiving?

A) George Washington
B) Abraham Lincoln
C) Franklin D. Roosevelt
D) Rutherford B. Hayes

Be the first to email us at [email protected] with the correct answer to win a $25 gift card to Starbucks.

Do you have a funny story or resource to share with other subscribers?

Send it to us! We are always looking for new and useful content to add to our newsletter. Submit your content to [email protected].


We are proud to present our redesigned quarterly newsletter, aptly entitled Technology Times. As part of the new format, we will be including an educational column in every newsletter brought to you by MXOtech University. This quarter's column features SharePoint - how you can use it to improve efficiency and grow your business. Learn about SharePoint now.


PumpkinPlanDo You Need A Pumpkin Plan?

We often meet with entrepreneurs

who seem exhausted and rundown from running their practices. Some of them are struggling to make their business survive. Does that sound like you? So how is it that they are working so hard to build their business but yet not achieving their goals? In order to keep their business alive, they are caught up in a never-ending cycle of "sell it-do it, sell it-do it" that leaves them exhausted, frustrated, and unable to get ahead no matter how many countless hours they put into their business.


I know this first-hand, since I was just like that when it came to MXOtech. I sacrificed time with family and put in an unhealthy amount of time on building the business without the results to show for my efforts. My mind was always cluttered, I was in a constant state of overwhelming exhaustion, and this didn't change until I was able to whittle down the focus of my business. I soon realized that MXO couldn't be everything to everyone; it had to specialize in helping a select group of organizations and do it better than anyone else. That focus has helped me grow MXO tremendously, and it continues to shape its future. 


This concept was further reinforced when I recently talked with Mike Michalowicz. Mike is the author of the book, "The Pumpkin Plan." After reading an article about a local farmer who has dedicated his life to growing giant pumpkins, Mike realized the same process could apply to growing a business. So what is the Pumpkin Plan?


1. Plant the right seeds - Don't waste time trying to do everything for anyone who calls you for your services. Instead, identify the thing you do better than anyone else and focus all your attention, money and time on figuring out how to grow your practice doing just that.


2. Weed out the losers - In a pumpkin patch, small, rotten pumpkins stunt the growth of the robust, healthy ones. The same is true of clients. Figure out which types of clients add the most value and provide the best opportunities for sustained growth. Then ditch the worst of the know the ones who make you cringe every time they call you!


3. Nurture the winners - Once you figure out who your best clients are, blow their minds with care. Discover their unfilled needs, innovate to make their wishes come true, and over-deliver on every promise. 
Order your copy of "The Pumpkin Plan" here.

SharePointWhat Is...



So what exactly IS SharePoint and how can it help my business?


SharePoint is a web-based intranet that can help improve your organization's effectiveness by streamlining the management of data, storage of data, and access to data.


o A Document Management System. SharePoint provides a single, central storage point where all your data can be stored. SharePoint is fully searchable - finding your file quickly is a breeze, no matter how much data you have. SharePoint allows you control over your data, so you can manage who has access to certain areas.


o A Communication Platform. With SharePoint, you can share information quickly, easily and effectively. Create internal postings, news features and announcements, and publish them in an instant. Anyone with access to your intranet will be able to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information about your organization. Users can even sign up to an 'alert' feature.


o An Intranet or Extranet. It allows you to share information quickly and efficiently with your colleagues. SharePoint saves users time and effort because they see only what is relevant to them based on the permissions you set up. SharePoint keeps your records organized, secure, and in an easy-to-access format.


o A Process and Workflow Platform. SharePoint can drastically improve your work processes and workflows. A single, centralized system introduces consistency into your working practices and removes any margin of error. Whether you need approvals, feedback, signatures, or information reviewed, SharePoint will ensure the data you receive will be consistent and exactly what you require.


Click here to learn more about how SharePoint can help your business or contact Joanna or George at 312.554.5699.
TimeBombDo You Have A TICKING TIME BOMB In Your Office?

Microsoft support for Windows XP and Office 2003 will end on April 8, 2014. That is less than one year from now. This means that Microsoft will no longer release security updates, hotfixes, or provide ANY support for Windows XP or MS Office 2003.


Computers running Windows XP will open your network up to numerous security risks, compliance violations, hackers and viruses. The end of Windows XP support will affect everyone, even home users. It really is a security risk with a countdown that is ticking away.


Windows XP WILL NOT BE HIPAA, HITECH or PCI Compliant.


What should you do next?

Call Joanna or George for a FREE Technology Planning session at 312.554.5699. We will have suggestions on replacement workstations and phenomenal pricing on orders of 5+ computers if requested by November 30, 2013. 


NewGadgetShiny New Gadget of the Month: The Tile

Now it's super easy to keep track of stuff on the go. Just attach, stick or drop your Tile into any item you might lose: laptops, wallets, keys, guitars, bikes-you name it. Download and sync the app and you'll never have to worry about losing it again! Pre-order this little device and you'll be able to: 


o Use Tile on as many things as you want. Add up to 10 Tiles on an account.


o Share access to Tiles with friends, family, and trusted coworkers.


 Hear the alert notification when your items are triggered to find. If you can hear it, you can find it.


 Use the Tile app to remember where it last saw your Tile, so you can easily find it.


Pre-order your device today:


LoveLetterClient Love Letter

ClientSpotlightClient Spotlight - Symmetry Counseling

300 West Adams
Suite 514   
Chicago, Illinois 60606   

MXOtech is happy to announce the addition of new client Symmetry Counseling. Symmetry Counseling is a group of mental health professionals specializing in counseling, psychotherapy, and coaching for individuals, couples, and families. They are devoted to empowering their clients to successfully manage life's stresses and transitions, both expected and unexpected. We look forward to managing their IT services and providing them with technology solutions to grow their practice. To learn more about Symmetry Counseling visit their website at


HIPAAOmnibusJump Aboard The HIPAA Omnibus!

If you missed the deadline you need to ACT NOW!


The HIPAA Omnibus compliance period ended on September 23rd.

If you missed the deadline, you need to ACT NOW to ensure your vendors are compliant - if they aren't, you will need to replace them, and that takes time. Otherwise, every time you give them access to your network/EHR system or let them see or handle any patient information you will be in violation of a HIPAA data breach. 
Enforcement penalties are now in place and can reach $1.5 million or more for multiple violations.
If you missed the deadline, MXOtech is here to help. Just CLICK HERE and follow the three easy steps. Be sure to use code MXO20 to receive a 20% discount.


If you have any questions, or need any extra help meeting the requirements, please feel free to contact Joanna or George at 312.554.5699.


Passwords7 Tips For Creating A Secure Password

You've got one for every site and every application you use - email, online banking, social media sites, and your CRM system, just to name a few. With so many password protected sites to keep track of, the inclination is to always use the same password for every site or to make it so easy you can't possibly forget it (like using Password123). Unfortunately, this compromises all of your data and makes it easy for cyber-attackers to steal sensitive, confidential information.


Studies have shown that password security is still the weakest link in keeping data safe. There are some simple things you can remember when creating a password that can help protect your information.


Here are 7 tips to consider:

  1. Use special characters and numbers.
  2. Mix up upper case and lower case letters.
  3. Make sure your password is a minimum of 10 characters.
  4. Be sure it's not something that can be guessed easily (zip code, phone number, birthdate, your name).
  5. Randomly replace letters with numbers, e.g. shake becomes $h@ke.
  6. Pick a sentence or phrase, and reduce it to first letters of each word only, e.g. "A Golden Key Can Open Any Door" becomes AGKCOAD.
  7. Reverse the spelling of a word, e.g. partnership becomes pihsrentrap.


Not all cyber-attacks can be avoided, but don't make it too easy for them. Be proactive and update all of your passwords so they meet the above criteria.



EmployeeSpotlightSpotlight - Meet Our Marketing Manager

We are pleased to introduce our new Marketing Manager, Karen Burmeister. Karen has worked as a sales and marketing leader in the Chicago area for over ten years. She has managed business development plans and activities on both the corporate and agency side, including inbound and outbound prospecting and organic growth. This breadth of experience provides Karen with a multi-faceted view and perspective to approaching business challenges. She has a degree in Journalism with a specialization in integrated marketing communications from Southern Illinois University. When she's not brushing up on the latest innovations in marketing, Karen enjoys spending time with her husband and daughters, Rose & Grace, and traveling.


EventsAround The Town - Upcoming Events and Recaps

Fulton Fest 2013

Joanna and the MXO team recently celebrated local artists and entrepreneurs at the first annual Fulton Fest. The networking event, organized by the Industrial Council of Nearwest Chicago (ICNC) and sponsored by MXOtech, previewed some of Chicago's most innovative products and services. The street fest gave business owners a chance to network with one another in a fun, relaxed environment. Entertainment included free food and beer samplings, live music, and stunts by local trapeze performers. Can't wait until next year! Congratulations 

to Russell Mangialardi of Cooper Technica, winner of our   Microsoft Windows 8 Pro giveaway!

Women's Business Development Center 

2013 Conference

In case you missed it, September 26th marked the 27th Annual Entrepreneurial Woman's Conference, Women's Business & Buyers Mart, the oldest conference and business opportunities fair for women in business in the country. MXOtech was proud to share a booth with our partner Microsoft. Check out this great video from the conference put together by Dawn Ferencak of Austin Weekly News. There's nothing like girl power!

You Can Grow Your Business - Community Workshop

Joanna shared her technology experience with a group of eager small business owners recently as a guest speaker at a workshop sponsored by MXOtech in conjunction with the West Side Business Network, Austin Weekly News, and the WBDC. The workshop featured community professionals which shared their strategies and tips for ways to grow business with the right combination of marketing, financial tools, and technology. It never ceases to amaze me when I hear about a community coming together to support one another and small business. One of the simplest strategies for success, but often overlooked. View photos from the community workshop. And congratulations to Tina Augustus of Elevate Services (pictured with Joanna & George), winner of our Microsoft Windows 8 Pro software! 


OutgrownITAre You Worried You've Outgrown Your Current IT Company?

To discover the answer, check out a copy of our report entitled: What Every Business Owner Must Know About Hiring An Honest, Competent, Responsive And Fairly Priced IT Company. In this simple, easy-to-follow guide, you'll discover:


The "secret" to the computer repair industry that most people don't know and will never be told by their IT guy (knowing this ALONE could save you from wasting tons of money and untold aggravation when outsourcing your computer support).


o  21 Revealing questions that will help you instantly spot an unethical or 

    grossly incompetent computer repair/support technician in minutes.


o  4 Costly misconceptions most business owners have about computer       maintenance and repair; one you will need to know BEFORE even picking up the phone.


o  Viruses, worms, spyware and hackers: what you need to know to protect yourself.


o  5 Mistakes to avoid when choosing a computer consultant.


o  Why "cheap" or "lowest price" computer repair shops aren't the bargain they initially appear to be.


o  The one surefire sign that you should run - not walk - away from a computer support firm.


To request a FREE copy of this valuable guide, go to our website and complete the form on our home page.


ReferralsRefer Customers, Get Rewarded!

Want a Starbucks gift card or, better yet, an iPad Mini?! 


Do you know someone who is worried about their computer technology? Tell them about MXOtech.  


Simply refer any company with 10 or more computers to us to take advantage of our FREE Network Assessment (a $297 value). Once we've completed our initial appointment with your referral, we'll rush you a $50 Starbucks gift card. If they sign a contract with MXOtech, we'll send you an iPad Mini!


Call Joanna or George at 312.554.5699 with your referral's name and contact information or complete our Referral Form online.



Warm Regards,                                                 
Joanna Sobran and the MXOtech Team
1101 W. Adams, Suite A
Chicago, IL 60607
Office: 312.554.5699  
Help Desk: 312.267.0565
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MXOtech | 1101 West Adams Street | Suite A | Chicago | IL | 60607