NETiMAGE is Now Offering Customized Network Security Reviews for Your Business

Malware... Virus... Ransomware... We all hear about these dangers lurking about out on the Internet and hope we're safe. Perhaps you know of someone who was impacted by such a bug, or maybe you've had firsthand experience. How safe are you, and what more could you be doing to protect your data and your company?


4 Social engineering scams to watch out for

Every time we learn about a cyberattack that has affected so many businesses, we invest in security technologies that will safeguard our systems. This year, however, social engineering attacks have taken center stage in the Rio Olympics. Using various scams, hackers can circumvent network security systems by convincing gullible users into giving away sensitive information.


Coming soon: Office 365 upgrade!

Remember when spellchecker became widely popular in the late ‘70s and was considered a lifesaver for many people using word processors? You may ask “What does this have to do with Office 365?” The point is new technological features continue to transform the way we work, saving us both time and money. Fast forward to today and chances are you’re still using spell checker.


Ransomware and Business Email Compromise (BEC) Lead Year of Online Extortion

164_C_SecEmails have become the battleground for the first half of the year in terms of security. It is the number one infection vector that have ushered in 2016’s biggest threats so far—ransomware and business email compromise (BEC). Ransomware infections normally start via email. Based on our findings, 71% of the known ransomware families’ delivery method is through spam.

Read more...                                          Source: Trend Micro