Regin - Is It Really A Big Threat?

Security_Dec01_CMalware is a constant threat to a business’s security. However, with many malware infections we tend to be able to learn a lot about them in a very short amount of time, which weakens the power of each attack. There is a new threat called Regin however, that is leaving many security experts baffled. Here is an overview of Regin and what it means exactly for businesses.


Picking The Best Phone System

BusinessValue_Nov10_CBusinesses in different industries often have unique needs when it comes to the technical systems they integrate. One system however is universal in that every business needs it: The phone system. If your business is looking for a new communications set-up you will quickly find a wealth of options out there. Here are tips you can follow to make sure that you get the best system for your business.


Microsoft Asking To Audit Licenses

Windows_Nov18_CWhile there are many IT expenses business owners need to worry about, one of the biggest is usually software. In order to remain compliant and avoid potential legal disputes, businesses often invest heavily in software. If you have Microsoft software licenses, you may receive an email from the company asking you to audit these licenses. Here is an overview of what you should do if you do receive one.


CryptoWall - The Next Security Threat

Security_Nov10_CLast year saw a number of highly publicized security threats that many companies struggled to deal with. One of those was some nasty malware called Cryptolocker, which held your files for ransom. While this has now largely been dealt with, news is surfacing of a second version – called CryptoWall – that has begun to infect users.