The World’s Most Popular Password is Depressingly Easy to Guess

People are dreadful at picking passwords.

The world's most popular password is the depressingly easy-to-guess 123456, according to an analysis by security firm Keeper of 10 million leaked passwords last year. We first read about the report from The Register.

There were several major data breaches in 2016 in which people's login details were leaked online.

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Are You Prepared in the Event of a Data Loss?

The best way to make sure your business’ data is protected against a hardware failure, human error, cyberattack or natural disaster is to be prepared. Does your current backup and disaster recovery strategy pass the test?

Take this quiz to see if you’re prepared.


Benefits of Virtualization

Before virtualization technology existed, server admins typically installed at least one physical server for each of their applications. The traditional one workload, one box approach meant that most servers ran at a low "utilization rate" – a fraction of total computing resources engaged in useful work. A 2012 New York Times article cited two sources that estimated the average server utilization rate to be 6 to 12%.

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Don’t Fall for This Sophisticated Gmail Phishing Scam

164_C_SecHeads up, Gmail users: a new phishing attack is making the rounds and it's fooling even technically-savvy, security-conscious users.

The ruse aims to steal usernames and passwords for Gmail and other services, and "is being used right now with a high success rate," according to Mark Maunder, CEO of WordPress security plugin Wordfence, who described the campaign in detail.

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