4 updates make Drive a bit better |
A common trend of many modern software companies is to release a product that is incomplete. The basic concept and functionality is there but the meat is added in subsequent updates. One of the reasons for this is because technology is constantly changing and what works today may not work next week. This release and update model has served Google well, especially with their online storage and collaboration service – Drive. In fact, a number of recent updates have been applied to Drive to make it just that much better. Here’s an overview of the recent changes made to Google Drive that have helped improve it and make it easier to use by businesses. Expanded Search The Search feature has also been expanded to include documents that have been moved to the Trash folder. This is good for recovering documents that you’ve accidentally deleted and need to retrieve, but can’t remember the name of. Drag and drop files into Chrome Create new folders from selecting files You can do this by selecting by the files you would like to put into a new folder, right-clicking on any one of the files – it doesn’t matter which, as long as you right-click – and selecting Organize. In the window that opens, select Create new folder. From there, name the folder and press Create. By default, the folder will be added to your My Drive folder. An easier way to manage storage These are just a few of the recent updates Google has rolled out for Drive. If you use Drive long enough, you’ll notice that Google is constantly updating features of Drive, or introducing new ones, largely to make improvements. If you’re interested in how Drive can help your company, please contact us. Published with permission from TechAdvisory.org. Source.
Who's in charge of your passwords? |
One of the biggest storms in recent memory hit the Eastern US in early November causing widespread destruction. There is always a lesson to learn from events like these, regardless of your location. For businesses, the storm made owners and managers pause and wonder if they are prepared for such a large scale event. They are forgetting to look at the smaller disasters that can be equally devastating. One such potential problem revolves around essential passwords, and who manages them. |
Should you encrypt your mobile phone? |
One of the more ubiquitous devices of the modern era is the smartphone. We can do nearly everything on it, and as such it has played a large part in the blurring of the lines between work and life. While this is good for many businesses, many of these devices are largely unsecured, which can lead to problems, especially if the unsecured data is actually sensitive company information. One way to secure devices is through the use of encryption. |
Messenger merged into Skype |
Skype is not a new product, it’s been around for nearly a decade and has been one of the mainstays of the digitization of the telephone, commonly referred to as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Microsoft purchased Skype back in 2011 and has recently released an update which makes Skype a front-line Microsoft product. |
Pinterest helps grow ecommerce |
Brick and mortar stores are dying a slow death. This is especially true for smaller operations. The reason for this? The Internet. Traditionally, small to medium businesses were limited to the areas where they had offices. Now, thanks to the Internet, you can sell your products to anyone, anywhere. This ‘e-commerce’ has become an integral part of business and with it, marketing your products and services to those online. One way companies do this is through social networks, and one platform that is proving to be fantastic for commerce is Pinterest. |