Get intelligent data for your business |
There’s a difference between business information and business intelligence. Do you know what it is? Do you know which are the best statistics to examine in order to refine your business processes? How about the myths related to business information? Do you know what metrics, often touted by certain ‘experts’ as relevant, are in fact mostly useless? And what about time? How much of it do you have to chase around information that might not ultimately yield any useful results or insights? Is it time you got the real deal on business intelligence? Many small businesses depend on their IT personnel to provide data that will enhance their business. However, there’s a difference between mere data and enriched information that improves performance. For instance, you might be surprised to find that page views are largely useless. This figure tells very little about how people are actually using your site, which is the most important information you can have. Data that leads to improvements is more than just information. It’s intelligence. There are many types of information which can help businesses become more intelligent. Visitor flow Traffic sources Keywords Conversion rates Bounce rates Bounce rates are a great example of the difference between metrics and information. IT might present stats that show 3,000 people are visiting a site each day. This might seem like good news, until it’s revealed that the bounce rate is 2,999. This is the difference between information and intelligence. Business intelligence creates a better opportunity to maximize your production and profits. We can help in that process, so get in touch today. Published with permission from Source.
Track data for clearer business insights |
How many times in business do you feel that you are flying blind? Sometimes the marketplace can be as unpredictable as the night sky, with limited visibility stretching over unknown terrain. However, most small business owners are too overwhelmed with demands to take the time for extensive market research. Beyond that, the price of market research firms is often prohibitive. But thanks to developments online, there are new, simple ways to track data for better business ideas, such as Google Trends. |
5 tips to minimize malware |
CryptoLocker is the latest in a long line of destructive malware programs that have businesses worried. While this is one of the more destructive to come around, you can actually prevent this virus from infecting your systems. One of the best ways to do this is to educate yourself and your employees on steps you can take to reduce the chances of becoming infected. |
4 common data backup mistakes |
Data is one of the most important aspects of your company. From data on customers to important emails, or even databases with billing, the data in your company is vital. Therefore, it is recommended that you take steps to back it up. In truth, many companies are starting to do this, but they may be missing out on some crucial ways they can protect their data. |
Revert Chrome's New Tab page |
In order to remain relevant and current, tech companies like Google need to be constantly developing their services. Follow the changes that Google makes for any amount of time and you will notice that these alterations come on a near daily basis. One of the more recent changes introduced was a New Tab page in Google Chrome. Some users have found this new page useful but there are others who aren’t too keen. |